Bbarak CZ: Czech Hip-Hop Magazine
Discussion w/ Spy: July 22, 2002

*Note: This translation (below) was performed by a machine running a software translation program. The result is at times poetic, idiosyncratic and as the "wenches plus beer," whomever they are, will tell you, a little odd. It's also possible that the original article, written in Czech, may have been done in an idiomatic, non-standard Czech hip-hop vernacular.

interview with charwoman about hiphopkempu?
ten strangeness interview with showman Peanut Butter Tungsten?
spygirl to stalagmite outsider?
videorecorder Spy hoard?

Documentary Film Within Clean Hip Hop / Spy!!!


Hear the subsequent novelty. Label Stonesthrow furnish within Hip Hop Kemp tajnou agent Spy, that within celém train actions plus celé české scene turn documentary film!!! Pokládám hither stroke within clearly absurdity, beyond them what stateliness, that somewhere within L.A. vědí, that within Czech není solely Jágr Havel, wenches plus beer.

Accordingly, you within subsequent řádcích approximations solitude showman Spy, within níchž are already měli squeak si read over within BBRč.5 plus or as forth as within vedla, ten strangeness interview with showman Peanut Butter Tungsten. Whoa si souvenir, surely to mu unpack special senseless style této utajované characters. Ay, yea them what hers quality, witnessing thereof as well as hers mincepie, photography, video clip – why everything while budete sway within show plus video projector see. Actually whoever, whoa zná kinsmen Stonesthrow ví, that není wholly haleness. Spy sake you like reader wrote twain line které to budu strive move není what singly – what already I can tell ). Advises tyto words Nebraska when now wistfully:

Spygirl to be born within day, when within American President Gerald Ford byl within San France perpetration atentát. Either stilly žijí. While to President Ford settle under své, nesmrtelnosti“ spygirl to stalagmite outsider umělkyní která to ever more vkrádá wicket sake psy underneath entry. Hers creature show several western artistic gallery, several train within svých panel, while hers movies fairly associates artistically sílu with musical scope plus vydavatelskou satisfaction. Hers skills are again nespočitatelné. Already turn svůj scheme, the happy forehand showman plus toward to under Oriental Europe turn prime full length film. Foundation Spy them surreptitiously lokalována within brick structure nigh varicose které neprozradí. Žije to svým wildcat psem ráda hraje to svou band “Já plus my triangle plus within synchronousness nemá žádné map, so far from visit prezidenta Horde.

Within kempu Spy ukáže some svoje mincpie fotky plus imagery , out of nichž jsem some delicacy ( much moore jich najdete within oficiálních aspect Spy - Garland ). Next upstairs within rámci video projector project four video clip:

“good morning sunshine“ - Quasimoto (stones throw records)
“are you gonna be alright“ - Hyphen Tirade (entry label records)
“swimmergirl“ - Mad Doctor X (bomb records)
“goatworld“ - El Captain Funkaho (stones throw records)

On approval you tender tip within syncope videorecorder Good Morning Sunshine since Quasimota.

Writing within české scene clearly bude take in swarm interview tracků, confessional, allusive within socialism, statesman plus stances under world, however like premium (abyssal assessment, that what won't again now sear) you tell abroad ultimate view nastily screenplay: interview with charwoman about hiphopkempu (which walks!).

Hers mincpie, picture fotky plus videorecorder Spy hoard within wholly original plus všem in a body radí: nehledejte herein sensor!