Hip Hop Kemp od Spy
July 14, 2004 (original article)
*Note: This translation (below) was performed by a machine running a software translation program. The result is at times poetic and idiosyncratic.
field slap special wigwam?
video clip sake' nodule?
Hip Hop Kemp od Spy
WITH prime Kempem plus povodněmi are set sights record film americké výtvarkyně Spy která fellow traveller with stilly sympatičtější kinsmen world rule hiphopu labelem Stem Throw. Now within his domain si now můžete within aspect Spy within hers manufacture now hither roughly speaking 20min moving picture prohlídnout.
Připomínám, that first run měl within loňském Kempu about Saturday midnight. This year by měl subsist within field slap special wigwam, something like summery film, where within prestižního festivalu hiphopových video clip Culturama uvidíme as well as several vizuálních show, for instance maybe as well as Davida Vantage, maker video clip sake nodule since Naší Subjects plus připravovaného animated expenditure now sake airfield Hip Hop Kemp 2004.